

Tonight marks my first experience at the amazing Corepower Yoga Studio. A couple weeks ago, Groupon had a fantastic deal — $59 for one month of unlimited yoga at Corepower. Done deal. And to make it even better, new members get a free week as well, making it five weeks of unlimited yoga for $59.

When I walked into the quaint studio, I instantly loved it. The smell, the decor, the dim light and the friendly people. Talk about relaxation.. and I wasn't even in the yoga room yet! The room was dimly lit and as one of the first people there, I took my place anywhere I wanted. There I laid on my mat, slipping into total relaxation, as the room filled up before class began. 

I remember my Corepower-Pro sister telling me about her experiences and how you dedicate/devote your hour of yoga practice to someone who needs a little more love and a little more positive energy in their life right now. With the environment and the words the instructor says, you can't help but feel waves of emotion when you think of a special person who needs it. Tonight I dedicated my hour to my stepfather-in-law, who is nearing the end of his 25 year battle with cancer. I've been blessed to have met him four years ago when I met my husband, and even though it's only been four short years, seeing him go through this is heartbreaking. While I novicely positioned my body in downward dog, plank, and updog, I thought of him. 

Though it was my first experience with yoga (well, at Corepower), I must say that for that hour, I felt amazing. I didn't think about the countless things I need or want to get done, the unpacking of boxes that lay before me at home, or any other unnecessary worries that seem to constantly be on my mind. One hour for me. One hour to clear my mind and to find balance before everyday life comes rushing back in.



I just exercised (more on that topic later)! I brought Lucy for a walk which means I get a doggie-mama-of-the-day award. She loved every minute of our three-mile stroll. (except when I made her stop and sit for a picture..)
When we got back, I let her off the leash so, naturally, she began running hot laps around the yard and driveway. She rounded the corner around my car a little too quickly, causing her to slip on the grass on her way back onto the driveway and hit the side of her "beak" (yes, her nose is called a beak in our household) on the cement. Poor little baby. I think it hurt her pride because she ran over to me for comfort. But no need to worry, she will be fine and won't need any medical attention. Nothing a little mama love won't cure. :) Now she's singing songs to me in hopes of getting my carrots...